How to Keep Your Tropical Fish Fed While You’re Away.

Many thoughtful aquarists think about the well-being of their fish when organising a trip or other time away from home. You may always bring your fish with you, of course. However, it is neither advised nor practical.

The length of your holiday is a crucial issue to take into account. If you are only gone for a long weekend, you might not need to make any preparations.

Most fish can survive without eating for at least 2-3 days. If you are gone for a while, though, more involved preparations will be required.

Below are a few factors to consider when calculating how long you can let your fish go without food.

How Long Your Tropical Fish Can Survive Without Food

Among fish keepers who are about to travel soon, this is perhaps the question they ask the most frequently. Many tropical fish have ample feeding intervals.

The precise amount of time they can go without food depends on several variables, some of which have already been covered. In addition, the fish’s size, age, and herbivorous or omnivorous status are further considerations.

There are a few exceptions to the typical case of older, larger fish going longer without food than younger, smaller fish. This is because larger, older fish frequently have more body mass and fat reserves.

Therefore, compared to a golden pencil fish, an adult chocolate cichlid will survive longer without food.

If you maintain young or small fish in your aquarium, you can take precautions to make sure they are fed frequently while you are away. This could present some difficulties, especially if your fish have specific food requirements.

For assistance with feeding, a professional fish sitter or a dependable friend will be helpful.

Sitters for Fish

A knowledgeable fish sitter with clear instructions on how to care for your pet can do so much for your fish.

Numerous forms of fish sitters include family members, friends, or a youngster from a neighbouring household looking to get some extra pocket money.

Holiday Feeders

If you cannot find a fish sitter, a holiday feeder is a fantastic backup plan. This is a slow-release feeding block that has been commercially packaged. Fish feeders for holidays come in various sizes and forms and are made to provide food to your fish for a set amount of time.

The biggest drawback of these is that your fish might not be accustomed to eating the food they contain. Try exposing your fish to the particular feeding block you plan to use while you are away to stop this. Put the feeding block in the tank and stop giving them their regular meals.

Automated Feeders

These are made to retain and dispense dry or freeze-dried food products. They are available in many styles and may be set to feed your fish daily or every few days. They function by using a timer to rotate a plate or drum with compartments.

It has a great digital display and is simple to install and programme. Your fish can be fed for weeks if you modify the amount of food offered at each feeding.

While automatic feeding of your fish might seem easy, it’s important to understand that the aquarium may need additional attention and maintenance if being left for an extended period.

Conclusion – How to Keep Your Tropical Fish Fed While You’re Away.

With a little forethought and planning, your fishes holiday shouldn’t be a matter of life or death. Even though most fish can survive a few days without feeding, maintaining a regular maintenance schedule and avoiding overcrowding the aquarium can go a long way toward ensuring the health of your fish while you’re gone.

The Water Zoo is your ultimate tropical fish shop. We have everything for the aquarist, including tropical fish, marine fish, fish tanks, aquarium plants, ponds, and more. Visit our shop for your supplies today.